1961 - 1965

February 12, 1961 - Venera 1 - USSR Venus Flyby - 643.5 kg
Now in a solar orbit.

1962 - Aerobee Rocket - USA
Observed the first x-ray star.

January 26, 1962 - Ranger 3 - USA Lunar Hard Lander - 327 kg
Lunar probe missed the moon and is now in a solar orbit.

April 23, 1962 - Ranger 4 - USA Lunar Hard Lander - 328 kg
First US lunar impact of the Moon.

August 27, 1962 - Mariner 2 - USA Venus Flyby - 201 kg
On December 14, 1962, Mariner 2 arrived at Venus at a distance of 34,800 kilometers and scanned its surface with infrared and microwave radiometers, capturing data that showed Venus's surface to be about 425°C (800°F). Three weeks after the Venus flyby Mariner 2 went off the air on January 3, 1963. It is now in a solar orbit.

October 18, 1962 - Ranger 5 - USA Lunar Flyby - 340 kg
Ranger 5 was to be a lander but became a flyby because of a spacecraft failure. It is now in a solar orbit.

October 24, 1962 - Mars 1962A - USSR Mars Flyby
Spacecraft failed to leave Earth orbit after the final rocket stage exploded.

November 1, 1962 - Mars 1 - USSR Mars Flyby - 893 kg
Communications failed en route.

November 4, 1962 - Mars 1962B - USSR Mars Lander
Failed to leave Earth orbit.

April 2, 1963 - Luna 4 - USSR Lunar Probe - 1,422 kg
Lunar 4 was intended to be a lunar lander but missed the Moon. It is now in an Earth Moon orbit.

January 30, 1964 - Ranger 6 - USA Lunar Hard Lander - 361.8 kg
Cameras failed; lunar probe impacted the surface of the Moon.

April 2, 1964 - Zond 1 - USSR Venus Flyby - 890 kg
Communication lost en route; now in a solar orbit.

July 28, 1964 - Ranger 7 - USA Lunar Hard Lander - 362 kg
Arrived on July 31, 1964, sent pictures back at a close range, and impacted the Moon.

November 5, 1964 - Mariner 3 - USA Mars Flyby - 260 kg
Mars flyby attempt. Solar panels did not open, preventing flyby. Mariner 3 is now in a solar orbit.

November 28, 1964-December 20, 1967 - Mariner 4 - USA Mars Flyby - 260 kg
Mariner 4 arrived at Mars on July 14, 1965 and passed within 9,920 kilometers of the planet's surface. It returned 22 close-up photos showing a cratered surface. The thin atmosphere was confirmed to be composed of carbon dioxide in the range of 5-10 mbar. A small intrinsic magnetic field was detected. Mariner 4 is now in a solar orbit.

November 30, 1964 - Zond 2 - USSR Mars Flyby
Contact was lost en route.

February 17, 1965 - Ranger 8 - USA Lunar Hard Lander - 366 kg
Ranger 8 arrived at the moon on February 20, 1965. It sent back high-resolution pictures until it impacted in Mare Tranquillitatis.

March 21, 1965 - Ranger 9 - USA Lunar Hard Lander - 366 kg
Lunar probe sent pictures of its impact on the moon.

May 9, 1965 - Luna 5 - USSR Lunar Soft Lander - 1,474 kg
The lunar soft-lander failed and impacted the moon.

June 8, 1965 - Luna 6 - USSR Lunar Soft Lander - 1,440 kg
Missed the moon and is now in a solar orbit.

July 18, 1965 - Zond 3 - USSR Lunar Flyby - 959 kg
Returned pictures of the lunar far side. It is now in a solar orbit.

October 4, 1965 - Luna 7 - USSR Lunar Soft Lander - 1,504 kg
Luna 7 failed and impacted the moon.

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